Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The California Democracy Act Part of Solution to State Education Budget Cuts, Say Demonstrators California Progress Report

California Progress Report

The California Democracy Act Part of Solution to State Education Budget Cuts, Say Demonstrators

By Duane Campbell
Over  2000 union faculty, students and their supporters rallied at the California State Capitol in Sacramento today in support of adequate funding for public education, both k-12 and higher education. The rally was one of more than 40 events across the state asking people to Stand up for Education. Faculty and students came from U.C. Davis, Santa Cruz, and Berkeley, as well as CSU Sacramento, Chico, and local community colleges.
George Lakoff, well known for his works on framing issues argued for signing petitions for the California Democracy Act which would reduce the requirement to pass a state budget from the current 2/3 vote to a simple majority.

Education Activists Need Strategy Beyond Marches

By Randy Shaw
Mass protests last week against school funding cuts and tuition hikes spoke powerfully about California’s misplaced priorities. As occurred with campus protests last fall, the media gave overwhelmingly sympathetic coverage (other than to the self-indulgent group who blocked an Oakland freeway, diverting television coverage away from legitimate protests). But activists’ strategy for achieving their goals is far from clear.