Friday, March 5, 2010

Big cuts, high anxiety in Cupertino The Educated Guess

The Educated Guess

Big cuts, high anxiety in Cupertino

Posted in State BudgetTaxes
Families in Cupertino Union School District are anguished over their schools.
They thought that they had largely solved their district’s financial problems a year ago when they passed their first parcel tax, raising $4 million.
But now this K-8 Silicon Valley district, home of Apple Computer and some of the  highest performing schools in the state, is facing a $9 million deficit for next year. And that’s putting in jeopardy many of the programs parents consider essential: small classes, summer school, the GATE program for gifted children, librarians.
On Thursday evening, when thousands of Bay Area teachers, students and supporters joined a protest in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, 300 or so Cupertino parents gathered in a middle school gym to hear how the state’s funding crisis has finally hit home and to plot what they can do about it.
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