Wednesday, March 10, 2010

American River Current - You'll get nothing if you don't ask for it

American River Current - You'll get nothing if you don't ask for it

You'll get nothing if you don't ask for it

This week begins a series of protests all over California. While we at the Current encourage students at American River College to participate in as many of these protests at possible, the ARC Associated Student Body is focusing its efforts on the “March in March.”
The “March in March” takes place Monday, March 22. Dedicated students from all over the state will rally in defense of higher education on this date. ARC students concerned over cuts to higher education and wanting to express their views should assemble at the ARC campus by 8 a.m.
Buses will be provided to transport participants, free of charge to Raley Field where the march to the west steps of the State Capital begins at 9 a.m. The goal of the Associated Student Body, in association with the Student Senate of California Community Colleges, is to see at least 10,000 student participants.
This march is meant to protest skyrocketing fees, tuition costs, cuts to student services, class cuts, and other barriers to student success. We urge all students, faculty, and administrators from California’s Community Colleges, CSU, and UC campuses across the state to attend, but anyone who is concerned about the future of education is welcome to join the march. The more of us that march, the harder it will be to ignore us.
 For those of you who need an extra incentive, lunch will be provided. Also, if you have classes during the march, ARC’s Campus Life office can provide a letter to prove you attended the march. Hopefully, ARC professors will be lenient with their attendance policies in order for students to attend the event.
With a free lunch, an excuse to ditch class, and a chance to save higher education (the future), we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Remember, cuts to higher education means cuts to a future we all share, but if we don’t speak who will? Our voices must be heard!