Monday, February 8, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Southwestern College Pushed to the Brink by Brutal Power Struggle | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Southwestern College Pushed to the Brink by Brutal Power Struggle:

"Andrew Rempt was correcting composition papers at his home when the doorbell rang.

Earlier that day, the Southwestern College English professor had stood with students protesting against class cuts. Now, the college's human resource director was standing on his doorstep alongside an armed campus police officer. Their message: Rempt and three other professors were banned from campus that night.

Three of them later learned they were being investigated for inciting students and not cooperating with campus police.

The incident enflamed the already volatile relationship between the South Bay community college's employees and Superintendent Raj K. Chopra. It has been an almost constant battle since Chopra was hired in August 2007, and there is no sign of letting up, even after the state's accreditation agency put the college on probation on Tuesday."