Thursday, February 11, 2010

U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers to retire after 16 years in Congress | Grand Rapids News - -

U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers to retire after 16 years in Congress | Grand Rapids News - -

"GRAND RAPIDS -- The end of this year will mark the end of a political era. That's when U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids, will step down after 16 years on Capitol Hill.

'The most important thing to me is that people realize I tried my very best to be an honest person, honest with my colleagues and my constituents, and that I was a decent person, a person of integrity, who worked my hardest for them,' said Ehlers, 76. 'Some people stay too long,' he said. 'I wanted to go out while I was still a strong leader playing a valuable role, not forced out by health or age. I have no regrets, because I accomplished a lot both in the state Legislature and in Congress.'

Ehlers was to announce his decision today in the foyer of the Gerald R. Ford Federal Building. He said after 50 years, people still refer to the 3rd Congressional District (formerly the 5th District) as 'Jerry Ford's District.' He said he considers it a huge compliment when people tell him he's a lot like President Ford, because he considered him to be straight-forward, even-handed and honest."