Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thousands jump rope for a record

Thousands jump rope for a record:

"The secret to world-class jump-roping, it turns out, comes from Mom's handbook of general advice:"

Wear sturdy shoes.
Try not to fall down.
Smile a lot.

Nearly 200 schoolkids at the San Francisco School proved that Monday as they clomped and hopped their way into what they feel pretty sure will be a spot in the Guinness World Records for jumping rope.
The record they hope to claim is the greatest number of people simultaneously jumping rope at multiple venues in a 10-minute span. It wasn't just the San Francisco School going for it - 85,000 people at 2,000 other schools and businesses across the city, Bay Area and California were also bouncing up and down with the aim of collectively beating the record of 43,772 jumpers, set in Britain in June.
But at the little private school just west of where Interstate 280 and Highway 101 meet,

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/02/02/BAAI1BQTSI.DTL#ixzz0eNr8EyGe