Wednesday, February 17, 2010

‘Strong mayor’ plan for California’s Capital City weakens, withers under scrutiny, is withdrawn | California Progress Report

‘Strong mayor’ plan for California’s Capital City weakens, withers under scrutiny, is withdrawn | California Progress Report

‘Strong mayor’ plan for California’s Capital City weakens, withers under scrutiny, is withdrawn

By Dan Aiello
California Progress Report
Sacramento’s new mayor has abandoned for now his effort to put a measure on the June ballot asking voters for more power, according to the Sacramento Bee.
Former NBA star Kevin Johnson first proposed as candidate revising the city’s charter to replace Sacramento’s council form of government with one where the mayor is granted the authority to hire and fire city employees, issue executive orders and hold veto power over legislation.
The 'strong-mayor' initiative, if mere political strategy, effectively diffused the issue of candidate Johnson's lack of experience - since neither he nor his two-term opponent were experienced with 'strong mayors' government - while implying by default that no mayor before him, including his opponent, had been any of the litany list of words voters associated with 'strong.'
As true governance reform, however, Johnson's dream initiative