Thursday, February 11, 2010

State commissioner vows 'never again' for test snafu that kept homeless student from graduating

State commissioner vows 'never again' for test snafu that kept homeless student from graduating:

"The state education commissioner Wednesday promised that no student will ever again have to choose between graduating from high school and being homeless.

Commissioner David Steiner - lambasted on Keith Olbermann's show Tuesday night as the 'worst person in the world' - said all state family homeless shelters will get a schedule of state exams to avoid the situation that prevented a Brooklyn high school student from earning a diploma.

Rosa Bracero, 17, was prevented from taking a Regents exam she needed to graduate because she had to sit in a homeless shelter intake center all day after her family was evicted.

She took the test a few days later, but the state refused to score it, citing fears of cheating.

Steiner is meeting with Rosa and her mom Friday in Manhattan to express his regrets about what happened."