Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Schools Matter: Michelle Rhee Is A Liar, Period

Schools Matter: Michelle Rhee Is A Liar, Period:

Michelle Rhee Is A Liar, Period

From today's Bill Turque piece in WaPo:
. . . .Rhee told Fast Company magazine that some of the 266teachers laid off in October's budget crunch were educators "who had hit children, who had had sex with children, who had missed 78 days of school."
The comment alarmed parents and teachers and District officials because of its implication that a significant portion of the instructors had committed such offenses. When Rhee finally offered numbers to support the claim, they were relatively small: Six of the 266 teachers had been suspended for corporal punishment at some point in their careers, she 

Georgia's Private White Academies Now to Be Financed with Tax Dollars

My first year of teaching was 1971 in Sandersville, Georgia, during the second year of school integration in that part of the apartheid South. Those white children whose parents could afford it had been placed in the private academies that had sprung up around the region like mushrooms in a cow pasture after a spring rain. Now almost 40 years later, we can now see the return of segregation and apartheid, this time taking hold at public expense in the corporate charter schools like Pataula Charter Academy that hoped to be the solution to race mixing. From the Journal-Constitution:

9:12 a.m. Monday, February 8, 2010
In fighting approval of a regional charter school, southwest Georgia superintendents allege that the Pataula Charter Academy would signal a return to the era in Georgia when blacks and whites attended different schools.