Thursday, February 18, 2010

Schools to vote on layoffs San Mateo Daily Journal

San Mateo Daily Journal:
Schools to vote on layoffs

"More than 100 employees in the San Mateo-Foster City Elementary School Distract could be getting preliminary layoff notices as the Board of Trustees considers a plan to save the $7.4 million.

A plan to send preliminary layoff notices to 117.95 full-time equivalent teacher positions goes before the board Thursday. The vote comes days before the district is asking local voters to support a tax renewal and increase, Measure A, which would result in $6 million in annual revenue. California requires districts to give preliminary notice of the potential to let certain employees go by March 15. Districts have until May 15 to make a final decision. The governor has recommended a loosening of these rules next year. Suggested cuts fall short of the district’s $10.2 million projected deficit next year should Measure A fail, according to the district’s first interim budget report.

Board President Colleen Sullivan described the measure as precautionary given that the district does not know if the a parcel tax will pass or what the impact the state budget will have."