Thursday, February 25, 2010

A national ed policy trick? The Perimeter Primate

The Perimeter Primate

A national ed policy trick?

“We face a critical shortfall of skilled scientists and engineers who can develop new breakthrough technologies.” -- AND -- “The failure to produce mathematicians, scientists and engineers in America is a tremendous threat to America's economic security.”
Comments like this are meant to be scary, scary, scary!
OR -- Is it that those types of comments are being launched by the corporatocracy to serve as a distraction, or a manipulation of public sentiment? The facts don't seem to jive, and the arguments don’t make sense.

To expand your critical thinking, read the article by Beryl Lieff Benderlyin the 2/22/2010 issue of Scientific American, Does the U.S. Produce Too Many Scientists?American science education lags behind that of many