Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Plan on School Selection Process and Highlights From Sunday’s Bay Area Pages - Bay Area Blog -

New Plan on School Selection Process and Highlights From Sunday’s Bay Area Pages - Bay Area Blog -

Discontent Despite New School Plan | The San Francisco Unified School District is taking a serious step toward revamping its well-meaning but complex student-assignment system, which decides where tens of thousands of children will attend school. The current system has aggravated parents to a point where efforts to manipulate the system have become endemic. But even with a new plan, no one seems happy.
A Battle in St. Helena | The fight over an election to recall four of the five members of the school board in this village in the northern Napa Valley has pitted neighbor against neighbor and friend and against friend, writes Daniel Weintraub, driving a wedge through a small school district that has slightly fewer than 1,400 students. The factions have taken to sitting on opposite sides of the high school gym and staking out separate bleachers on the Little League field.
Milestone Year for SF MoMA | The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is staging a 75th anniversary celebration. With new multimedia tours, inventive collaborations with local and international artists and, most