Thursday, February 18, 2010

More private colleges court community college transfers -

More private colleges court community college transfers -

"Community college transfer students are no longer being courted only by the usual suspects. More private institutions, of every ilk, are aggressively recruiting students from two-year colleges, hoping to bolster and diversify their enrollments and capitalize on the belt-tightening of regional public universities.
'I see more and more privates getting out there and recruiting transfers, whereas there really weren't that many out there even just a few years ago,' says Brenda Doran, director of transfer admissions at Bryant University, a small, tuition-driven independent institution in Rhode Island that has traditionally relied on community college transfers to meet its enrollment goals. 'As with any competition, you just have to be more aggressive than you were in the past.'

Not so long ago, Doran and her colleagues from Bryant were among only a handful of private institutions in the Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts area that actively recruited at local community colleges. Now,"