Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Indian-Americans rising in political clout - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Indian-Americans rising in political clout - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com:

"WASHINGTON — There are no Indian-Americans in Congress, but Ami Bera hopes to change that.

Bera, a 44-year-old physician from suburban Sacramento, Calif., is one of six Indian-Americans who are running for Congress this year, a record high. Hauling in half of his contributions from Indian-Americans, Bera has raised $871,000, even more than Republican Rep. Dan Lungren, the eight-term incumbent he's trying to replace in California's 3rd Congressional District.

While Bera's parents and many other Indian-Americans of their generation focused mainly on getting good jobs and a good education for their children, today's generation is working its way into politics and public service.

'Politics is the natural transition,' Bera said. 'We actually have a chance to give back to the county that benefited us.'"