Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Daily Aztec - FLAMING LIBERAL: Education candidates essential

The Daily Aztec - FLAMING LIBERAL: Education candidates essential:

"This year, students have taken a stronger interest in learning who their representatives are and trying to influence the way those elected officials vote.
This is a worthy and logical battle to fight. We need to hold our representatives accountable to the students and the people who benefit from higher education funding.
More importantly and strategically, we should be focusing our energy on getting to know the candidates who are running to be our representatives and helping elect those who are in alignment with our values.
If students want to see more funding for higher education, then we need to do our research to find out which candidates support education and put our resources behind electing them.
We have this opportunity right now.
Assemblymember Mary Salas has already thrown her hat into the state senate race to replace current Sen. Denise Moreno Ducheny who is leaving her assembly seat open. Two Democrats have entered the race and will definitely give each other a run for their money."