Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cabrillo General Assembly Calls for Strike & Walkout on March 4 : Indybay

Cabrillo General Assembly Calls for Strike & Walkout on March 4 : Indybay

Cabrillo General Assembly Calls for Strike & Walkout on March 4
by Cabrillo Against the Cuts
Thursday Feb 11th, 2010 10:29 PM
Today, around 40 students, faculty and staff met to discuss how Cabrillo College is going to get involved in the movement to defend public education. There was near-unanimous support for the March 4th Strike and day of action against the budget cuts in the CA public education sector. We also set the next meeting for the same time and place, 2:30pm on Thurs in Room 1091 (behind and below the library).
Today, around 40 students, faculty and staff met to discuss how Cabrillo College is going to get involved in the movement to defend public education.

There were a variety of political perspectives represented, but there was near-unanimous support for the March 4th Strike and day of action against the budget cuts in the CA public education sector. So far, collective disruptive action is the only thing that has gotten any kind of response from the school administrations and the state government.

Details remain to be worked out. There will be another meeting next week at the same time and place, 2:30pm on Thursday 2/18 in Room 1091 (behind and below the library). There will also be tabling in the quad hopefully every day leading up to March 4, handing out flyers and information and talking with people.

We now have an email list for organizing and a facebook group for announcements.