Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Are Latinos Disappointed With Obama? - Los Angeles News - LA Daily

Are Latinos Disappointed With Obama? - Los Angeles News - LA Daily:

"Los Angeles-based state Sen. Gil Cedillo, one of President Obama's early campaign supporters, says he's disappointed with president so far, and that he's not alone among Latinos.

Cedillo says there are some hard feelings surrounding Obama's promise during his presidential run to reform U.S. immigration law. Many Latinos have stopped holding their breath. 'I think he's in danger of breaking the spirit of solidarity and hope,' Cedillo told McClatchy Newspapers. 'More than a broken promise, it's the danger of breaking people's sense of hope in the Latino community.'

Republicans, meanwhile, seem ready to pounce -- just in time for this year's mid-term elections. Hector Barajas, a communications consultant for the California State Senate Republican Caucus, said that 'what the Democrats offer is just a bunch of empty promises.'

Jaime Regalado, the executive director of the Pat Brown Institute at Cal State L.A., said"