Thursday, January 7, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence.

Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz

I'm still looking for Jose Garcia. Do you know him? We're trying to find as many children as possible with the most common name in San Diego Unified to showcase the many faces and stories within the massive school system. E-mail me if you can help! And now for your daily newsblitz:
Sick of turnover in superintendents, leaders at San Diego Unified say something needs to change in the superintendent search. But what? We report that some want a different, more open search for the next chief, which could lure less traditional candidates -- and turn away superintendents from big districts who climb from one school system to the next.
We blog that sitting out on Race to the Top, a competition for more school stimulus money, would likely affect only eight schools in San Diego Unified, according to a school district analysis, because the criteria for getting the money are so strict.
We also explain what the heck priority-based budgeting is and how it will work for schools.
School board member John de Beck derides it as "fantasy-based budgeting" in the San Diego News Network and proposes across-the-board salary cuts instead.
Shelia Jackson tells the Union-Tribune it's too early to count her out of the race for