Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Superintendent Godwin Spells Out FCUSD Budget Woes — The Rancho Cordova Post

Superintendent Godwin Spells Out FCUSD Budget Woes — The Rancho Cordova Post:

"The Folsom Cordova Unified School District will be returning from their winter break with the goal of cutting at least $10.6 million from their budget, an update from Superintendent Patrick Godwin said.

Though the amount of potential cuts has been reduced from the original figure of $20 million late in 2009, Godwin said the number could go up if California cuts more funding to education. “There is a strong possibility that the state’s declining revenues will cause the governor to recommend even deeper cuts to education when he proposes his budget in January,” he said.

Godwin noted that the state cut funding to districts for average daily attendance by $250 for the current school year, and the funds were scheduled to be restored for 2010-2011. If the funds are not restored, Godwin said, then the district will need to cut at least $15 million from their budget."