Thursday, January 7, 2010

San Mateo Daily Journal Educators optimistic, cautious

San Mateo Daily Journal:

Educators optimistic, cautious

"Education needs to be a priority in California, according to the governor, but local officials are cautious to celebrate the statement before the budget plan is revealed Friday.

It’s all about priorities, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said in his annual State of the State yesterday. And California needs to prioritize education despite facing a $20 billion deficit. The ideas drew optimism from local education leaders but also generated questions about making those priorities a reality.

“Because our future economic well-being is so dependent upon education, I will protect education funding in this budget. And we can no longer afford to cut higher education either. The priorities have become out of whack over the years,” Schwarzenegger said.

Prioritizing education was welcomed by local officials, however all wondered how funding it could be achieved."