Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Primary-grade classes of 20-to-1 on the chopping block - San Jose Mercury News

Primary-grade classes of 20-to-1 on the chopping block - San Jose Mercury News

When San Jose Unified took the unpopular step of increasing K-3 class sizes to 30 for this school year, it had little company in abandoning one of California's most cherished education reforms.

Now, faced with cutting budgets yet again, districts throughout Santa Clara County are targeting once fiercely protected student-teacher ratios of 20:1 in kindergarten to third grade. The Oak Grove School District in San Jose plans to go to 23 students next year, Campbell has targeted 24, Alum Rock and Mountain View are considering 25.
And in the Cupertino Union School District, classes may balloon to 30 students in the fall, outraging parents in a community proud of its schools and high test scores.
The mass move toward bigger classes illustrates the depth of the state's school funding crisis.