Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mariner and Microsoft Offer Second Interactive Web Series for K-12 Educators

Mariner and Microsoft Offer Second Interactive Web Series for K-12 Educators

Monthly Four-part Series Provides Insight into Data-Driven Initiatives
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Mariner and Microsoft invite school district and Department of Education leaders to a series of Web sessions, beginning January 19, 2010 and continuing through April 20, 2010. The series, entitled “Managing for Performance: From the School to the State House,” highlights education analytics that improve student achievement and are the backbone of data-driven initiatives in K-12 organizations across the country.
“The effective use of data is essential to the success of managing for performance”
The speakers, including innovative K-12 leaders from several school districts and a state DOE, will share the experiences and knowledge that they have gained in their data-driven and performance management initiatives with Mariner Education Division’s guidance. Scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month from 11:00-11:30a.m. (EST), the sessions will provide participants with an opportunity to interact with school district and Department of Education leaders to learn about strategies to improve student achievement, transparency and accountability. Registration for one or more of the Web Series sessions is available at: www.mariner-usa.com/webseries.htm.
“The effective use of data is essential to the success of managing for performance,” said David “Fitz” Fitzgerald, Mariner’s Education Practice Manager and one of the Web Series’ featured speakers. “We’ve learned from our experiences with districts and DOEs that teachers and principals need easy access to data views and education analytics to drive improvements in instruction and student outcomes.”

From Strategy to Students: Realizing the Visions

Jonathan Raymond, Superintendent, Sacramento Unified School District
Mr. Raymond, advocate and practitioner of data-driven decision making, draws from a powerful combination of wide-ranging and relevant professional experience and a strong commitment to diversity, students, parents, and community engagement in his district leadership role.