Friday, January 8, 2010

Bee Live - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Bee Live - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Dan Smith, sacbee:
Here are some of the biggest cuts the governor is proposing...

Welfare: Eliminate CalWORKS welfare to work program. – $1 billion

In-home care: Eliminate In-Home Supportive services program. – $495 million

Mental health: Use Proposition 63 funds to finance mental health. – $847 million

Health care: Eliminate Healthy Families program for children’s health care. – $126 million

Medi-Cal: Elimiante all optional benefits; reduce eligibility to federal minimum. – $532 million

State employees: Eliminate furloughs, reduce pay by 5 percent. – $508 million

Prisons: Eliminate most rehabilitation programs, increase parole agents’ caseloads, expand crimes for which time can be served in county jails – $280 million

Schools: Reduce funding for school district administration – $1.2 billion

Higher education: Eliminate funding for enrollment growth at CSU and UC – $111.9 million