Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wash. Times continues its relentless campaign against Jennings | Media Matters for America

Wash. Times continues its relentless campaign against Jennings | Media Matters for America:

"In the latest of an obsessive series of editorials vilifying Department of Education official Kevin Jennings, The Washington Times again advanced discredited attacks to assert that Jennings is 'unfit to serve as a senior presidential appointee'. The editorial falsely claimed that Jennings encouraged a sexual relationship between a student and adult, attempted to tie Jennings to the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), and falsely suggested that Jennings supported a controversial workshop at a 2000 event sponsored by the group he founded, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)."

Wash. Times ignored Jennings' own criticism of 2000 conference session

Wash. Times: "shocking new revelations" that GLSEN conference sessions taught "children how to engage in sex." In a December 9 editorialThe Washington Times stated that there were "shocking new revelations" about Jennings, repeating claims made by Gateway PunditFox Nation, and Big Government that a 2000 GLSEN conference session discussed graphic sexual acts with students and that the conference itself "appear[ed] to have had less to do with promoting tolerance and more to do with teaching children how to engage in sex."