Saturday, December 12, 2009

Union says S. Phila. High needs more full-time officers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/11/2009

Union says S. Phila. High needs more full-time officers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/11/2009:

"The president of the union that represents Philadelphia school police said the school district's reliance on nonunion, per-diem officers may have been a factor in allegations that officers failed to prevent attacks on Asian students at South Philadelphia High School last week.

Michael Lodise, president of the School Police Association of Philadelphia, said per-diem officers, who lack medical insurance and other benefits, sometimes think: 'I'm not going to risk myself for $95 a day.'

When at least 30 Asian students were attacked by African American students at the high school Dec. 3, Lodise said, six of the 10 officers on duty were per-diem employees. The district uses them to save money.

Evelyn Sample-Oates, a district spokeswoman, challenged Lodise's numbers. She said records showed that 11 officers and a sergeant were assigned to South Philadelphia High, and that only five of the 11 were per-diem workers."