Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sacramento Press / Special Assistant to the Mayor R.E. Graswich interviews Mayor Johnson

Sacramento Press / Special Assistant to the Mayor R.E. Graswich interviews Mayor Johnson:

"Tonight, I watched the below Youtube clip and felt as though I was watching a Paid Public Service Announcement. Actually, I felt I was watching a Paid Strong Mayor Campaign Advertisement. Who pays Graswich salary? Hopefully it comes out of the mayor's pocket since it seems Graswich isn't working to get the exclusive for the people of the city of Sacramento.

I had high hopes for Graswich after reading the August 20, 2009 Sacramento Press article where he stated, 'I'm getting paid by the people. I'm working for the people.' "http://bit.ly/6Mvs62

Below is one of several questions Special Assistant to the Mayor R.E. Graswich asks Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. I wonder, can a 'Special Assistant" to the Mayor actually interview the mayor without bias, slanting or leaning questions to assist the mayor? How can a seasoned reporter who is now a special assistant to the mayor not provide rebuttal questions to some of the not-so-bright responses provided by the Mayor?
R.E. Graswich asks: "How can an executive Mayor create jobs when a weak mayor can't?"