Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sacramento Press / Sacramento At-Risk Teens Need Your Help This Christmas

Sacramento Press / Sacramento At-Risk Teens Need Your Help This Christmas:

"Here at Diogenes Youth Services we believe that every youth deserves a Merry Christmas. While other teens her age will be enjoying the season with their families at home, Sarah finds herself literally “left out in the cold.” Please take a minute to read Sarah’s Story."

Forced to leave an abusive and violent family environment, 15 year old Sarah had no place to turn. She eventually landed on the streets of Sacramento, homeless and frightened. Although living at home had become unbearable, she soon learned that life on the street was far worse than expected. Her life quickly began to spiral downward, she dropped out of school and soon she became victimized and exploited. She was severely malnourished and life looked bleak as she survived day to day. Things began to change for the better when she met an Outreach worker from Diogenes Youth Services one night and entered our emergency shelter. She could again feel safe while putting her life back together. She got the counseling she needed and today is enrolled in high school and has friends and people she can count on for guidance.