Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Restructuring the CSU or Wrecking it? What Proposed Changes mean and What We Can Do About Them | California Progress Report

Restructuring the CSU or Wrecking it? What Proposed Changes mean and What We Can Do About Them California Progress Report:

"Like so many other public institutions these days, the California State University is under attack. Not just from the deep and persistent budget cuts, but also from a radical change in the way university administrators want to deliver higher education.

Today, the California faculty Association has released a white paper detailing this disturbing trend entitled, “Restructuring” the CSU or Wrecking It?”

To view the white paper, go to:

This authoritative report seeks to address the top down call for “restructuring” occurring throughout the CSU and UC systems and offers insight into the political agendas that may be driving the trend."