Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the Wealthy | California Progress Report

Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the Wealthy California Progress Report:

"Police are arresting and attacking student protesters on University of California (UC) campuses again. “Why did he beat me I wasn’t doing anything,” screamed a young Cal Berkeley woman student over KPFA radio on Friday evening November 20. Students are protesting the 32% increase in tuition imposed by the UC Regents in a time of severe state deficits. The Board of Regents claims that they have no choice. Students will now have to pay over $10,000 in tuition annually for a public university education that was free only a few decades ago.

The corporate media spins the tuition protests as if we are all suffering during the recession. For example, the San Diego Union Tribune November 20 writes, “These students need a course in Reality 101. And the reality is that there is virtually no segment of American society that is not straining with the economic recession. With UC facing a $535 million budget gap due to state cuts, the regents have to confront reality and make tough choices. So should students.”"