Saturday, December 12, 2009 - A Leading Global News Source - Guess where speech censorship runs rampant! - A Leading Global News Source - Guess where speech censorship runs rampant!:

"Guess where speech censorship runs rampant!

Seven out of every 10 American colleges and universities censor speech with rules that violate the U.S Constitution, according to a new report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

The organization's 2010 report on campus speech codes reveals, despite the U.S. Constitution's assurance of freedom of speech and a multitude of court precedents establishing that includes offensive speech, that:

At State University of New York at Brockport, e-mail with 'offensive language or graphics' is banned 'whether or not the receiver objects, since others may come in contact with it.' Also banned is e-mail that might 'inconvenience others.'"