Thursday, December 10, 2009

SAC City DAC Education News & Comment

SAC City DAC Education News & Comment

Hi DAC members,
Attached please find support materials for the bylaws revision process. They will also be posted at Feel free to e-mail or phone Leo of the bylaws committee at or 916 307-8525 with questions or comments. These will be answered and shared by a FAQ e-mail and by handout at the January meeting.
Reviewing the important parts of these materials (Dac Bylaws to be certified Articles 4 and 5 and Article II of revision consideration - one page each) with your respective SSCs as we proceed in the work of revising the DAC bylaws is appreciated. Please remember that there is a final 2/3rds vote on the entire revision scheduled at the end of the process. It is the intention to provide lots of opportunities for engagement in this effort.
Thanks for your ongoing commitment to our students.
The Fish