Tuesday, December 22, 2009

AB 656 - Fair Share for Fair Tuition | Alberto Torrico for Attorney General

AB 656 - Fair Share for Fair Tuition | Alberto Torrico for Attorney General:

"AB 656 - Fair Share for Fair Tuition

AB 656 will help reverse the skyrocketing fees and tuition at our UC, CSU and community college campuses.

While California is struggling with record deficits and education funding is being gutted, big oil is enjoying historic profits. But California is the only major oil producing state in the country that doesn’t charge big oil their fair share. Alaska imposes a 25% oil severance fee and Texas raises up to $400 million annually through a similar fee.

It's time to make the oil and gas industry pay their fair share to help save our colleges and universities.
Please join me right now in support of AB 656 to fund higher education in California"