Sunday, November 8, 2009

A year after election, Obama focuses on schools - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

A year after election, Obama focuses on schools - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

"Speaking one year to the day he was elected, President Obama this afternoon used the anniversary to call for 'a national mission' to improve public education and build it into a pillar -- along with an overhauled health care system and clean energy jobs -- of the new economy.

'One year ago, Americans all across this country went to the polls and cast ballots for the future they wanted to see. Election Day was a day of hope, it was a day of possibility, but it was also a sobering one because we knew even then that we faced an array of challenges that would test us as a country. We had a financial crisis that threatened to plunge our economy into a Great Depression, the worst we had seen in generations. We had record deficits, two wars, frayed alliances around the world,' Obama said at Wright Middle School in Madison, Wisc."