Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This Week In Education: People: Green Dot Founder Reported Leaving Changing Roles

This Week In Education: People: Green Dot Founder Reported Leaving Changing Roles:

"There was little indication last week when he was in DC and NYC that Steve Barr was going to be leaving Green Dot, the organization he founded. But California public radio station KPCC's Adolfo Guzman-Lopez is now reporting that Barr is stepping down [as chairman]. For months there has been fretting and clucking about the news that Barr was being forced to repay $50,000 in unreimbursable or undocumented expenses that he'd racked up wining and dining teachers and funders. He stepped down as CEO just over a year ago. But Barr seemed unperturbed about the situation during an interview last week. No one from Green Dot has so far responded to my emails seeking confirmation or further explanation."