Sunday, November 29, 2009

Opinion: UC students need a teach-in on California's budget mess - San Jose Mercury News

Opinion: UC students need a teach-in on California's budget mess - San Jose Mercury News:

"Two voices called out when I heard that dozens of students on University of California campuses had been arrested for occupying college buildings in protest of the 32 percent fee increase that UC regents had passed.

One was that of the indignant college sophomore who was hauled off to the city jail in Boston in 1970 after refusing to leave the plaza at Government Center during a Vietnam War protest. The other was that of my disbelieving father who asked, 'You were taken where for doing what?'

I am the age my dad was then and closer in sensibility to him now than to the youth I once was. I also have a daughter who's a freshman at UC-Davis and, much to my relief, was busy studying calculus when others took over Mrak Hall."