Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Coming to a Voting Booth Near You... | California Progress Report

Coming to a Voting Booth Near You... California Progress Report:

"Unless the weak array of other candidates sucks Dianne Feinstein into the race for governor – you can take that verb in several ways, all descriptive – the most important decision for voters next year may not be the Tweedle-dee vs. Tweedle-dum run for governor.

It could be the contest over one or several of the 76 initiatives – yes 76 -- that may appear on the same ballot. Some are promising. Some are awful. Some are initiatives voters have rejected before, in some cases not long ago, that seem to be designed largely to harass and force opponents to spend resources they could otherwise spend in other ways."

Feinstein told Channel 5 in San Francisco earlier this month that her decision on the governor’s race will depend on “what precise programs are put forward by various candidates to handle what is a very serious structural budget deficit in this state…It's of major consequence and California is in considerable distress, and there have to be reforms."

Given what we know now about the candidates, she’s in.