Tuesday, October 6, 2009

WKZO | Saving The Old and the Very Young

WKZO Saving The Old and the Very Young:

"The Kalamazoo City Commission wants state officials to reconsider one of their spending cuts, now that the budget deliberations have gone into extra innings. Last night they approved a resolution asking Lansing lawmakers to restore funding to early childhood education programs.

It came at the request of several citizens groups.Howard Steiner with ISAAC says legislators have lumped Pre-school and K-12 together, which would force districts to choose between them.

The whole K-12 Education budget is still up for grabs after the House refused to approve the conference committee cuts.

Just as there are advocates for the very young, there are also those pulling for funding to protect the very old, who can no longer care for themselves. They say that under current budget proposals, dozens of nursing homes would be forced to cut services, and some could even close, because of cuts to Medicaid."