Thursday, October 22, 2009

Texas leads U.S. in child abuse deaths, study says | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

Texas leads U.S. in child abuse deaths, study says News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Texas Regional News:

"A national child advocacy group said in a report released Wednesday that Texas far and away leads the nation in child abuse deaths:

THE NUMBERS: The state had 1,509 children die from abuse and neglect from 2001 through 2007, the years covered by the study, the report from Every Child Matters said. Florida was second with 785. California, the only state larger than Texas in population, had 763. In 2007, Texas had 228 child deaths.

FUNDING: While the report does not directly draw a cause-and-effect correlation, it says that Texas finished close to the bottom among the 50 states in per capita spending to protect children. In recent years, the state has beefed up funding for Child Protective Services in response to reports of children who died despite visits by state"