Sunday, October 11, 2009

Teachers' salary issue: AIFUCTO to stage protest - Ahmedabad - City - The Times of India

Teachers' salary issue: AIFUCTO to stage protest - Ahmedabad - City - The Times of India:

"AHMEDABAD: All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Organization (AIFUCTO) will stage a demonstration on Sunday to protest against
state government's decision to fix college professors' salaries as per Sixth Pay Commission ignoring UGC's recommendation.

Expressing a sense of solidarity with agitating members of Gujarat State Teachers' Association, AIFUCTO has decided to organize the demonstration at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi near Income Tax Circle at 4 pm. About 650 representatives of the organization, who have come to attend the 25th three-day national seminar on Higher Education in India Issues & Challenges', will participate in the event."