Thursday, October 15, 2009

Teach Your Children to REALLY Finish Their Homework

Teach Your Children to REALLY Finish Their Homework:

"I spend a lot of time talking about what students should do before they sit down to do homework. Today, I'd like to discuss what students should do after they've finished it! I have found that putting everything away is a crucial-but-often-neglected step, resulting in lost assignments and insane mornings. (Can you relate?)
Explain to your children that they're not really, truly, absolutely finished with their homework until they have put:"

EVERY assignment in their homework binder in the correct pocket.

The homework binder INSIDE their backpack.

ALL of their books in their backpack.

ALL materials (pencils, papers, calculator, etc.) that remain home away in a drawer or their handy Magic Homework Box.And, finally...

Their backpack by the front DOOR- or where ever they'd have to step over it before they leave in the morning.

Can you imagine how much easier everybody's life will be when your children complete all of these steps regularly?