Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sacramento County's CEO announces retirement - Latest News - sacbee.com

Sacramento County's CEO announces retirement - Latest News - sacbee.com:

"Terry Schutten, the top administrator in Sacramento County, is retiring at the end of this calendar year.

Schutten has been the county executive officer since June 1999 and has led the county through the Freeport Regional Water project, the airport expansion, increased neighborhood participation and land conservation efforts.

He has also been the man at the helm of the worst county budget in modern history. His announcement comes weeks after the Board of Supervisors finalized this year's budget that has so far led to nearly 800 county workers losing their jobs and social service programs closing down. Schutten spent the past year weathering blistering criticism from the unions and other officials for his handling of the budget. Sheriff John McGinness called for Schutten's firing last spring."