Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Place Called Home

A Place Called Home:

"A Place Called Home is a dynamic, non-profit youth center located in South Central Los Angeles. APCH provides educational programs, counseling, mentoring, music, dance and art classes. We also have a recreation and athletic department. One on one attention is at the heart of all APCH programs and activities. This reflects the belief that each member arrives at our center with skills and abilities that have not fully been realized. As youth participate in our programs, they discover their interests and talents. APCH strives to help youth achieve a better sense of themselves and the world around them. Our goal is to increase the likelihood that they will stay in school and go on to higher education and viable jobs.

Please find yourselves at home at A Place Called Home and feel free to contact us to find out how you can make a difference too! Click here to see for yourself everything that A Place Called Home does for our kids."