Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gerald Bracey, education advocate and seeker of truth, passes away

Gerald Bracey, education advocate and seeker of truth, passes away:

"Reports are surfacing that nationally known education commentator Gerald Bracey has died. Jerry Bracey was an erudite and courageous voice debunking the clamoring attackers of public education and the mainstream media who gave those attackers a national platform, too often without question or challenge. His many commentaries, including a recent series on the Huffington Post, will live as a tribute to his quest for truth and fairness.

Author Alfie Kohn, who announced Bracey's passing on his Twitter page, commented: 'Spirited crusader for accuracy, integrity; denounced false claims, misuse of stats; made the right enemies.'

The most fitting tribute to Jerry Bracey would be for the voices he was addressing to pause for a minute to listen to him and think.
Jerry's Huffington Post bio is here."