Thursday, October 29, 2009

At hearing, teachers assail Rhee over layoffs -

At hearing, teachers assail Rhee over layoffs -

"Union members, parents and community activists packed the D.C Council chambers Thursday morning for Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee's first detailed account of the teacher layoffs and budget cuts that have placed her under the heaviest political fire of her 28-month tenure.

'A grave injustice has been committed against us,' said Pearlie Christian, a former kindergarten teacher at Barnard Elementary School and one of 388 school system staff laid off Oct. 2 to help close what Rhee said was a $43.9 million shortfall in the school system's 2010 budget.

Union leaders have denounced the move as an illegal mass firing intended to purge older educators. They have gone to court to have the teachers reinstated and returned to the classroom."