Friday, October 16, 2009

As rehab programs are cut, prisons do less to keep inmates from returning --

As rehab programs are cut, prisons do less to keep inmates from returning --

"Reporting from Sacramento - Gina Tatum spends her days in a compound surrounded by electrified fence in the sun-baked heart of the Central Valley, hoping to change her life.

She will soon turn 50, and after two decades in and out of prison, she says she is tired of victimizing others, tired of stealing, tired of doing drugs.

'I can't afford any more years up here -- I've lost too many,' said Tatum, who is serving a four-year stint for forgery at the Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla. 'I'm trying to learn things to change my thinking, change everything about me, so I can go home. It's so easy to get caught up here and never leave. I don't want to die in prison.'"