Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Zombie conservatives at the schoolhouse door - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Zombie conservatives at the schoolhouse door - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial Sacramento Bee:

"A leading Republican congressman recently chirped that things are looking up for the GOP because of people's fear. Another Republican lawmaker indicated distaste for school-speech demagogy but explained that one must understand that Washington is in the middle of a nasty health care fight.

Which means what, exactly? That winning is the only thing, and to hell with the good of the country, civil society and the possibility of intelligent debate about serious matters? Watching the school-speech insanity blow up on the right, a friend who has been deeply involved for decades at the top of Republican politics, e-mailed to say that she was done. The conservative movement is hurtling off a cliff-and she was bailing out."