Friday, September 4, 2009

US education chief urges Calif. to enact reforms - San Jose Mercury News

US education chief urges Calif. to enact reforms - San Jose Mercury News:

"U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Thursday urged California lawmakers to make education reforms or risk falling further behind the rest of the nation and losing out on a slice of $4.3 billion in federal stimulus money.

Duncan met with lawmakers from both parties at the state Capitol as they prepare to debate potential changes to California law. If enacted, some of the reforms would allow the state to compete for federal money under the Obama administration's $787 billion economic recovery plan.

The Race to the Top competition will reward states that are focused on education reforms. States that agree to expand public charter schools will be first in line for the money, along with those that allow performance pay for teachers based on student achievement, which is currently prohibited in California."