Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stanford poll: Obama sways public on controversial education issues - San Jose Mercury News

Stanford poll: Obama sways public on controversial education issues - San Jose Mercury News:

"At the height of his popularity, President Obama could significantly sway public opinion on three controversial education issues: charter schools, merit pay and vouchers, a new study has found.

The president's favorable views on charter schools and merit pay for teachers increased approval for those issues by more than 10 percentage points — and by as much as 23 points for African-American respondents.

The findings suggest that Obama's views could gather support for education reform, which he has championed. On Tuesday, the White House announced that Obama would address schoolchildren Tuesday in a nationally broadcast talk to classrooms.

Obama's influence is notable because public opinion usually shifts gradually, according to one of the authors of the survey, which was conducted by Education Next, a journal of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and by the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University."