Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sacramento Press / Mayor Johnson and Sacramento Schools

Sacramento Press / Mayor Johnson and Sacramento Schools:

"Opponents have argued that one of Mayor Johnson's ultimate goals is to move Sacramento's public schools under the control of the city's mayor, however, the Mayor has consistently insisted that this is not the case.

In Inside City Hall, Ryan Lillis gives us some insight into Mayor Johnson's intentions. The mayor maintains that he does not wish to take control of the schools, clarifying, 'what's on my radar is the mayor playing a critical role in our schools.' Fair enough, complete control and 'a critical role' are two very different phrases."

The Mayor then expands on what he has in mind. While he notes that he does not like the term education "czar", the Mayor confirms that he would like to establish an education "liaison". Rather than limiting the position to communication and coordination, as the definition of "liaison" would suggest, the mayor envisions "something very powerful that will unite the school districts under one common vision."