Saturday, September 19, 2009

Public Education: The End of an Era? — Empire Report

Public Education: The End of an Era? — Empire Report:

"A popular statistic of this era of economic crisis is that every $1 invested in education results in $4 of future economic activity. I have often heard the argument that the more than $600 million cut by state legislators will result in a decrease of nearly $2.5 billion in future economic activity. The question has also been posed, 'how can and why did the state cut $2.5 million in future economic activity?'

I'm not sure who to point the finger at here, or if it's even worth pondering. I know its not the faculty's fault, and as for the administration, I'm pretty sure they're just reacting to the outrageous demands that have been placed on them. Obviously, the state of California is making these cuts, but I find myself wondering what the alternative would be. What's done is done, and what's cut has been cut."